Saturday, August 7, 2021

Handle large list operations in SharePoint Framework to avoid Threshold?


Custom Implementation

Here is approach to get read the large list with paging implementation.
Consider we have a SharePoint list named “LargeList” with below schema:

Field NameType
Title Single line of text
Description Multiple lines of text
Category Single line of text
Quantity  Number

The model to represent above list item will be as below:

export interface ILargeListItem { 
     Title: string
     Description: string
     Category: string
     Quantity: number; 

Let us define our approach to handle large list:

  • We will define the page size as 5000 for example (maximum threshold limit). Please note, SharePoint internally fetches the items in the batch of 100 items.
  • The number of requests we will have to read entire large list will be: Number of list items / page size.
  • We will make asynchronous requests to read the list items in batch.
  • Wait for all asynchronous requests to finish

Implement a genetic method getPageListItems which returns items with paging, starting with index passed as an argument.

$skiptoken=Paged=TRUE%26p_ID=` + (index * Constants.Page_Size + 1)

The getPageListItems method implementation will look as follows:

private getPageListItems(listTitle: string, index: number): Promise<ILargeListItem[]> { 
    return new Promise<ILargeListItem[]>((resolve, reject): void => { 
    let requestUrl = this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl 
        + `/_api/web/Lists/GetByTitle('` + listTitle + `')/items` 
        + `?$skiptoken=Paged=TRUE%26p_ID=` + (index * Constants.Page_Size + 1) 
        + `&$top=` + Constants.Page_Size 
        + `&$select=ID,Title,Description,Category,Quantity`; 
    this.context.spHttpClient.get(requestUrl, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1) 
    .then((response: SPHttpClientResponse) => { 
        response.json().then((responseJSON: any) => {   

Implement a method to get the latest item id. This will be our maximum limit to read the items.

public getLatestItemId(listTitle: string): Promise<number> { 
    return new Promise<number>((resolve: (itemId: number) => void, reject: (error: any) => void): void => { 
            .then((items: { Id: number }[]): void => { 
                if (items.length === 0) { 
            }, (error: any): void => { 

The next step is to implement method the main method to make asynchronous requests to read the list items in batch.

public async getLargeListItems(listTitle: string): Promise<ILargeListItem[]> { 
    var largeListItems: ILargeListItem[] = []; 
    return new Promise<ILargeListItem[]>(async (resolve, reject) => { 
        // Array to hold async calls 
        const asyncFunctions = []; 
        this.getLatestItemId(listTitle).then(async (itemCount: number) => { 
            for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(itemCount / Constants.Page_Size); i++) { 
                // Make multiple async calls 
                let resolvePagedListItems = () => { 
                    return new Promise(async (resolve) => { 
                        let pagedItems:ILargeListItem[] = await this.getPageListItems(listTitle, i); 
                       // Wait for all async calls to finish 
            const results: any = await Promise.all(asyncFunctions); 
            for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { 
                largeListItems = largeListItems.concat(results[i]); 

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